What is collagen and what does it do?
Our collagen diminishes over time not only due to natural aging factors but also due to other reasons. One such, according to American Academy of Dermatology, is the malfunctioning of the structure or in production of collagen modules. Many genetic disorders like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or acquired diseases like systemic sclerosis also show collagen abnormalities as a manifestation of the problem. When there is a significant decrease in the level of collagen, the patient is said to suffer osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as the brittle bone disease.
No Way I'm Eating Oysters Ever - But A Very Good Video Nonetheless
Is Microdermabrasion Useful For Skin Rejuvenation?
Question: After reading up on microdermabrasion it sounds like all it does is remove dead skin cells - or at most the top layer of skin. Surely this is the same as any facial scrub you can buy in the shops and use for daily cleansing? Or does it do something special that I haven't heard about? Anyone tried it?
Answer: I own a medical spa and I'll tell you the truth... ANY exfoliating procedure or product is better than not exfoliating at all! But, professional microdermabrasion procedures are much better and I'll tell you why.
Not only is the abrasive part of the procedure important, but the suction is equally as important. Suction helps to pull circulation to the top of your skin during the procedure to increase oxygenation and collagen production (which repairs the underlying structures of your skin).
I prefer the non-crystal machines because they make a mess, the suction that's supposed to be increasing your circulation is instead sucking up crystals, and the texture can't be controlled. We use a diamond-tipped, crystal-free machine and the suction can be dialled way up for tough, acne scarred skin, or turned way down for sensitive skin.
We have a small tip for in the creases of your chin and nose, and various size heads for your face, neck and chest. We also have different diamond tipped heads in various grades of texture from very fine to course. These heads are autoclaved between patients. I could go on and on, but this is a brief summary.
Using honey as moisturizer helps your skin dryness. But, not a regular honey...a natural substance called Active Manuka Honey which does more than just moisturize your skin
So, go ahead and use honey as moisturizer on your skin. Not only will it moisturize your skin, it'll nourish, heal and keep your skin young-looking and radiant.
It's unbelievable. Anti-wrinkle creams containing collagen and elastin continue to fly off the shelves despite the fact that they are COMPLETELY useless products.
If you've had your money taken by cosmetic companies who aren't telling you the truth about how collagen really works, don't feel bad. There is no crime in trying to support the health of your skin.
You just haven't been given the facts about how to stimulate collagen, naturally, for a powerful, anti-aging effect.
So, it's no surprise that the breakdown of these two proteins results in a corresponding breakdown in the firmness of our skin. Lines, then, begin to form, the skin sags and wrinkles appear.
Restoring elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid is not a problem when you have ingredients like Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame working for you.
What's This Hyaluronic Acid I've Been Hearing About?
Lower levels of hyaluronic acid leads to lost firmness, wrinkling and decreased smoothness.
Keratin makes up over 90% of the cells in the epidermis. But, it is a hard protein and efforts to make it soluble have rendered the protein inactive, making it unavailable for use by the skin's cells. Only one company (KERATEC) has developed processes that soften keratin, without rendering it inactive. During testing, researchers saw that using the cream caused a 40% improvement in the skin's firmness over the course of 18 days.
Creams containing collagen, elastin or both have been proven ineffective for how to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the body. On the other hand, creams containing the protein keratin have been proven effective, as long as it is the "active" form of keratin.
Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 -- is a special form of CoenzymeQ10 that penetrates deep into your skin. It supplies skin with powerful antioxidants which fight the harmful free radicals. It also protects the skin from the sun's UV rays and helps to rejuvenate skin cells to keep your skin toned.
With the advent of collagen-injections, people became more aware of the elastic fibers and other issues that lead to aging. Cosmetic manufacturers insinuate that that the use of collagen elastin lotion will improve the skin's firmness, but there are no clinical studies supporting those statements.
Cynergy TK - this substance (extracted from the wool of the New Zealand sheep) contains functional keratin. The keratin protein is found throughout the body and has the ability to convert natural keratin into a functional form which increases your body's own production of collagen and elastin. This results in smoothing your fine lines and rejuvenating your skin.